admission@kispune.com +91 84326 93342 / 8446031010
School Affiliation No: 1130849
Enquiry Form
admission@kispune.com +91 84326 93342 / 8446031010
School Affiliation No: 1130849
Enquiry Form

Grade 4 to 10

A comprehensive and balanced curriculum nurtures the individual talents of students and teachers help them to relate the experiences of the classroom to the realities of the world outside. Through challenging academic exercise and intellectual vigor students are trained to become critical and compassionate thinkers. They are encouraged to become informed participants in local and world affairs. They are sensitized to appreciate and respect the diverse attitudes and cultures, which spice up the fabric of life. The curriculum is planned to achieve a balance between the search for understanding and acquisition of essential knowledge and skills. The development of a positive attitude and opportunities for positive action is built into the curriculum.

The emphasis is on the integration of Science and Technology, relating Mathematics to daily life, thematic teaching of Social Science aided by Concept-based Teaching. Languages focus on developing the love for reading and emphasis is laid upon enhancing the Student’s Communication Skills and Expressive abilities.

The Assessment and Evaluation is in the form of Comprehensive Continuous Formative and Summative Assessments and the Student’s academic progress and achievements are gauged accordingly. This model promotes progressive learning and academic support till the last student of the group.

Besides developing basic concepts in each area, the focus of the CBSE curriculum in this critical preparatory phase is to develop the child’s attitude and aptitude to be a life-long learner. The challenge is to sharpen the learner’s ability to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge to day-to-day life situations. In short, to be able to put what she/he has learned to good use. Projects and activities are an integral part of this curriculum. CBSE has introduced practical learning in Social Science and Mathematics with a Weightage of 20%, while the Weightage for practicals in Science and Technology has been increased to 40%. Learning areas include two Languages- Communicative English, Second language (Hindi, French, German, Spanish, Sanskrit), Mathematics, Science & Technology, Social Science, Work Experience, Art Education, Physical and Health Education. Teaching is done through lectures, projects, presentations, group discussions, workshops, and seminars. Testing and examination are regular, rigorous in accordance with the CBSE pattern.