admission@kispune.com +91 84326 93342 / 8446031010
School Affiliation No: 1130849
Enquiry Form
admission@kispune.com +91 84326 93342 / 8446031010
School Affiliation No: 1130849
Enquiry Form

Fee Structure

Tuition Fees, Other Fees And Extras

Items Covered: Tuition Fee covers the cost of providing instructions for normal curriculum including most games, internal school examinations, use of the libraries and KIS medical inspection. Other fees are charged separately which covers the additional academic and co curricular activities; value added programmes, costumes, certain stationery etc. Other expenses incurred by the student during the year, such as external exam fees, career aptitude tests, school outings, and certain books/journals/and stationery shall be paid as extra by the concerned student. Damage or loss of school property by the student also shall be paid as extra charge.

Fee Payment Schedule

The School is agent only in respect of any goods and services, which are supplied by a third party via the School to parents or students. Fees will not be refunded or waived for absence through sickness; nor if a term is shortened or a vacation extended; nor if a student is released home before the normal end of term; nor if food has not been consumed; or for any other cause.

Responsibility Of Payment

Paying fees are the joint responsibility of each person who has signed the Admission Form. The School may withhold information; property or examination certificates while fees are unpaid. The School may recover any other administrative and bank charges, or any incurred legal costs, will be charged on fees, fees in lieu of notice and extras that are unpaid by the due date. Such charges will be recoverable by legal action, if necessary.

Payment Schedule:

  • 1st Quarter: 10th April (Year)
  • 2nd Quarter: 10th July (Year)
  • 3rd Quarter: 10th October (Year)
  • 4th Quarter: 10th January (Next Year)

Other Instructions:

  • The Student will be issued a fee book in the beginning of the session.
  • The School fee is payable.
  • School fee can be deposited via cheque/draft accompanied with the Fee Slip, in the Account Section of the School, between 8:00 am to 11:30 am, 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm (Monday to Friday).
  • Cheque/Draft should be drawn in favour of KOTHARI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL.
  • Kindly mention the Name, Grade/section, Admission Number of your ward along with your contact number on the reverse side of the cheque/draft.
  • Outstation cheques will not be accepted.
  • In case the cheque is dishonoured by the bank, bank charges of Rs.500/- will be charged.
  • A Late Fee of Rs.50 per day will be added from the 11th day, to the fee due till the end of the above mentioned months. Thereafter, a Re-admission Fee will be charged.
  • School fee paid after the due date will be accepted only through a Demand Draft paid to School Accounts Office during the hours mentioned above.
  • Parent has the option to deposit the fee in advance.
  • Note: If the 10th of any month happens to be a non-working day then the day gets extended to the next working day.